Friday, March 14, 2008

Creating Inner Peace

On a recent teleseminar, I spoke about Inner Peace. There are many aspects to creating and maintaing Inner Peace. However, if you are going to only focus on one characteristic, I would suggest that you look at resistance. Resistance is being in the mindset of:

- 'Something is wrong here' or
- 'something shouldn't be this way'.

This mindset undermines Inner Peace and creates stress, frustration, anger and disappointment. The problem with this mindset is that if we wait till all our circumstances line up so that we can have Inner Peace, we are at the mercy of our circumstances - which honestly never line up perfectly the way we imagine we want it to be.

So, if you are looking for 'Inner Peace in the face of your circumstances', you are going to want to become aware of all the places you resist. Here I have listed the four forms of resistance and an example of each:

1) Gossip
i) "Did you hear what she said?"
2) Complaints
i) "I cant' believe it's snowing again!"
3) Forcing an outcome
i) Using the cold shoulder to force someone to apologize to you
4) Wishing that something would change
i) Your spouse's clothes on the floor

Spend a few minutes each day and begin to list all the places you resist. Once you begin to notice these areas, then you can begin to change them.

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